
The Office of 残疾人服务 recognizes 残疾 as a valued aspect of diversity and embraces access as an opportunity for hospitality, 股本, 以及社会公正. We work to ensure inclusive and sustainable 学习 and eng年龄ment through universally designed environments and to facilitate access, 话语, 协作, 培训, and innovative programming.

中文博彩平台没有种族歧视, color, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 资深地位, or genetic information in its 项目 and activities. 根据1990年《中文博彩平台》(ADA), 2008年的修正案, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, no qualified person will be denied access to, 参与, 或因残疾而无法享受学校开展的任何项目或活动的福利.

HSU recognizes a student with a 残疾 as anyone who has:

  • 严重限制主要生活活动的身体或精神损伤;
  • has a record or history of such an impairment, or
  • is regarded as having such an impairment.

Contact 残疾人服务 Office


  1. 注册. Accepted HSU students may request 残疾 服务 by submitting this registration to the Office of 残疾人服务.
  2. Submit supporting documentation. Current (within the past three years, 或作为成年人)和残疾的全面文件必须提供注册. Information concerning a student’s 残疾 is strictly confidential and handled in accordance with University policies as well as state and federal laws. 应审查提交给协调员的文件,以核实是否存在残疾. Hardin-Simmons University reserves the right to request any additional documentation considered reasonably necessary to determine appropriate and effective accommodations.
  3. 安排约会. Once all of the necessary documents have been submitted, 学生和协调员应开始互动过程,以创建访问计划. The process may take place in person or via telephone, 但这是为学生确定最佳和最合理的住宿条件的必要步骤. To schedule an appointment or ask any questions, please email 残疾服务@ivantseng.com.

Forms completed by the care provider and the supporting documentation may be submitted by any of the following channels:

电子邮件: 残疾服务@ivantseng.com
传真: 325-670-5862
邮件: HSU盒16158, 阿比林,得克萨斯州,79698

Completed forms and supporting documentation are to be submitted from care provider directly to HSU’s Disability Office.

Submit Letter of Accommodation Request. Eligible students seeking accommodations should submit the Letter of Accommodation Request as soon as possible in the academic term (preferably during the first two weeks of a long semester) for which they are seeking accommodations. 新申请必须在每学期开始时提交.

协调员应准备有关具体问题的信件给适当的教员, reasonable academic accommodations for the student. 当信件准备好领取时,协调员将与学生联系.

学生负责发送住宿信,并与教师沟通. The Coordinator shall consult with the student and with HSU faculty and staff to ensure delivery of appropriate support 服务 and shall serve as a liaison between the student and the faculty member as needed.

在受伤事件中, 手术, or other documented short-term 残疾, you may apply for reasonable accommodations using the Registration for Temporary 残疾人服务.

服务的动物 As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) A support animal is trained to perform a specific task or tasks to benefit an individual with a 残疾. 这只动物不是宠物,不像ESA,它可以陪学生去所有的地方. 注册 for Disability Support 服务

情感支持动物 As defined by the Fair Housing Act, an 情感支持 animal may provide physical assistance, 情感支持, 平静的, stability and other kinds of support. 这不是宠物, 相反,它是一种用于支持有精神或心理障碍的学生的工具. 然而, an ESA is only allowed in the student’s assigned residential space and not allowed in classes or other buildings or public spaces including on-campus events. 有精神健康残疾的学生并不自动有资格获得欧空局住宿. The student must prove that the animal provides 情感支持 or other assistance that ameliorates one or more symptoms or effects of a mental health 残疾.

欲了解更多信息,检查表,指导方针和政策的ESA,请访问 欧空局信息页. To register for an ESA once you have read the checklist, fill out the registration form.

Learn More about 残疾人服务

服务 offered by the 残疾人服务 Office:

  • 协助安排课程、教室和考试安排;
  • Assistance in 工作 with instructors;
  • Campus accessibility and service/resource information;
  • Campus 残疾 awareness education;
  • Sign Langu年龄 Interpreter 服务;
  • 与校园其他部门协调支持项目和服务;
  • 为解决与残疾需要有关的问题提供咨询、辅导和协助;
  • 关于各种校园和社区资源的信息和转介;
  • 有关学生组织、活动和支持团体的信息;
  • 学习技巧、应试策略、时间管理等方面的信息.;
  • Loaning of some assistive devices;
  • Other resources and support as needed.

住宿是为个人量身定制的,而不是为残疾量身定制的, 并且是基于每个学生的文件中包含的信息. 因此,具有相同残疾类型的学生可能会得到不同类型的课堂住宿.

Possible accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • Additional time on work done in class and on tests, unless speed is the essential element being tested;
  • 提供减少干扰环境的替代测试地点;
  • 优先安排座位;
  • 测试读者;
  • 测试抄写员;
  • Books in electronic format;
  • A sign langu年龄 interpreter;
  • Allowing students to use their own assistive devices for note-taking (such as tape recorders or laptop computer);
  • Other reasonable accommodations as needed.

The 残疾人服务 Office is committed to ensuring that all information regarding a student is maintained as confidential as required or permitted by law. Information provided to the 残疾人服务 Office is considered confidential and is not disclosed to a third party without the written permission of the student.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990

根据美国残疾人协会, an individual with a 残疾 is defined as a person who: (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities; (2) has a record of such impairment; or (3) is regarded as having such impairment. Major life activities include but are not limited to walking, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习, 工作, 照顾好自己, and performing manual tasks.

《中国赌博平台》完全禁止基于就业残疾的歧视, 公共服务, 和住宿. 所考虑的人必须在其他方面具备胜任该工作、项目或服务的资格.

The ADA details administrative requirements, 申诉程序, 不遵守规定的后果与服务和就业有关. The ADA requires provision of reasonable, 为符合条件的学生提供有效的教育活动和设置.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of 残疾 in 项目, 公营及私营, that receive federal financial assistance. 第504条包括机构,不论它们是否开门, 有选择性的, or competitive 入学s practices.

People with disabilities have the same legal remedies that are available under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1991年修订. 因此, individuals who are discriminated against may file a complaint with the relevant federal 年龄ncy or sue in federal court. 执法机构鼓励非正式调解和自愿遵守.

How these Laws 应用 to Higher Education

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 were designed to ensure that colleges and universities are free from discrimination in their recruitment, 入学, and treatment of students.

In the application of both laws, 残疾学生必须有资格参加大学的活动. A qualified student with a 残疾 is one who meets the 入学 and essential eligibility requirements of a program or service, 有或没有:

  • modifications of rules, policies, or procedures;
  • 消除建筑、通讯或运输障碍;
  • provision of auxiliary aids and 服务.

Individuals who pose a direct threat to their own health or safety or the health or safety of others will not be considered qualified.

法律要求高等教育机构确保所有课程, 服务, 或设施可供残障人士使用. 法律不要求:

  • making each facility accessible if alternatives are effective;
  • a fundamental alteration of 项目 or 服务;
  • undue financial or administrative burden.

大学没有义务改变大学的学术要求, 项目, 或专业可以证明是必要的教学计划或任何直接的许可要求.

The University does not have to provide personal attendants, individually prescribed devices, readers for personal use or study, or other devices or 服务 of a personal nature, such as tutoring or typing (United States Office of Civil Rights, 7月, 2002).

The institution must provide auxiliary aids to ensure the participation of students in college classes and activities and must accommodate the academic participation of qualified students with disabilities. The institution must NOT:

  • limit the number of students with disabilities admitted;
  • 在入学前询问申请人是否有残疾;
  • 使用不能充分衡量视障学生学术水平的入学考试或标准, 听力受损, 或因未获特别照顾而残疾的申请人;
  • 仅因残疾而将残疾学生排除在任何课程之外;
  • 建议残疾学生选择比非残疾学生限制性更强的职业, 除非该咨询是根据某一专业严格的执照或认证要求提供的;
  • 使用歧视残疾学生的模式来衡量学生的成绩;
  • institute prohibitive rules (such as the barring of tape recorders or other auxiliary aids) that may adversely affect the performance of students with disabilities;
  • 选择一个不允许残疾人参加的场地或设施.

法律没有要求对残疾学生给予特殊待遇, 但确实要求学生有机会平等参与大学的课程. This is done by providing to eligible and qualified students appropriate academic adjustments and auxiliary aids necessary to facilitate the students’ fullest possible 参与 the University’s academic 项目.

Admission to Hardin-Simmons University is based upon an applicant meeting the published 入学 criteria of the University with no preference provided on the basis of 残疾.


Students seeking 入学 to the various 项目 and majors offered at Hardin-Simmons must meet the 入学s requirements for the particular program with no preferences provided on the basis of 残疾.

Requirements for entrance to, 参与, 在本科/研究生目录中提供各种专业和项目的完成.

Program and course requirements will not be waived. 然而, reasonable in-class accommodations are provided as appropriate means for a student with a 残疾 to be able to satisfy published requirements for a program.
